L’Oxygéné | Raising the bar for nail polish

L’Oxygéné | Raising the bar for nail polish

Awards panels hail how our breathable, moisture permeable, 12-free polish optimises nail health and honour the unrivalled staying power of our vegan, cruelty-free formula. Customers repeatedly testify how the rich pigments, superior consistency and nail-kind ingredients mean they’ll never wear any other nail polish brand again.

Comments like these remind us that, sometimes it isn’t just the colour of our polishes that should take centre stage. Taking the nail industry by storm upon its 2015 launch, L’Oxygéné continues to raise the bar. Here’s what we think sets our award-winning polish formula apart from all others.

1. The most breathable nail polish on the market

In her Chelsea salon, Nailberry founder Sonia saw how dry, damaged and weak clients’ nails became as a result of pollution, lifestyle factors and semi-permanent gel or acrylic nails. Making it her mission to develop kinder nail colour, she created L’Oxygéné. Our patented blend applies advanced oxygen technology, which allows the flow of oxygen and moisture on a molecular level through every coat of polish. Nails remain hydrated and can behave and grow naturally.

“L'Oxygéné has completely reformed my nails, it breathes, is vegan, long-lasting and far superior to anything else I have ever used.”
Christina, Nailberry customer

2. Planet-friendly and inclusive for all

Nail colour that respects and cares for nail health is crucial, but Sonia’s personal passion for animal and environmental welfare also means L’Oxygéné won’t ever negatively impact the planet. It’s proudly certified vegan and cruelty-free, with no ingredients ever causing the demise of an animal or coming from animal by-products (like the keratin, carmine, gelatin, lanolin and oleic acid, or ethyl alcohol often found in conventional polishes). This, along with L’Oxygéné’s moisture-permeable nature and the fact we don’t include any GMOs also means our polish is proudly certified Halal. L’Oxygéné really can be enjoyed by everyone.

“I avoid manicures as they dry my nails and make them weak. I was looking for nail polish that was healthier and wouldn’t damage my nails. I came across Nailberry and it’s amazing.”
Mel, Nailberry customer

3. The kindest nail colour

L’Oxygéné is a 12-free leader in its field. It boycotts camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene, dibutyl phthalate, xylene, ethyl tosylamide, triphenyl phosphate, alcohol, parabens, animal derivatives and gluten. While some of these are already banned by law, others remain yet we choose not to include them, both for nail health reasons and as a lifestyle choice.

“At last I can wear nail polish AND keep my nails healthy. Beautiful colour, really easy application, good coverage and excellent staying power. I couldn’t ask for more!”
Jane, Nailberry customer

4. Colour without compromise

We sought to create a polish you’ll want to wear time and time again… so L’Oxygéné’s quality, shine and finish has to more than stand-up to the knocks of daily life. Thankfully, it does, thanks to some cutting edge technology. L’Oxygéné has an unparalleled capability to hold heavy colour pigment load, along with advanced UV filters, yet it remains feather-light - minimising the peeling and chipping associated with thick formulas, along with discolouration or yellowing. Supercharged colour and shine that lasts…and lasts. What’s not to love?

“Amazing colour, perfect brush, durable, soft to the touch, easy to apply and remove. What can I say? I’m not wearing any other nail polish again!”
Vero, Nailberry customer

Ready to colour your nails healthy? Explore our complete L’Oxygéné collection and find your next favourite nail colour here.

Beauty Bible Awards 2021
Nail Polish Winner

Natural Health Awards
Nail Polish Winner

Beauty Shortlist
Editor’s Choice Award
Best Nail Product & Range
Best Nail Polish Brand